Friday, March 12, 2010


Just had to jot down a few ideas for the upcoming themes in the Phat Fiber box...April is "All Creatures Great and Small" and May is "Blossoms and Bark". So far, Im thinking..."all creatures great and small; all things wise and wonderful" So, maybe a "Wise and Wonderful" batt series? hmmm, on paper is just doesnt sound as great. Does anyone read this thing? I'll take any ideas in the comment section that I can get!

Blossoms and Bark: really wanting to do "all bark", and "a little bite" batts. Hmmm...okay, brain is sufficiently smoking!

Also, if anyone cares to comment: I am officially a Global Mamas wholesaler! Take a look at the site and let me know what you would like to see me carry (on a future website...not too far in the future, for sure!) I need ideas!

1 comment:

  1. For "all creatures great and small," you could do a DNA-themed combination, since, large and small, everything's made out of the same basic structures.
